39 boys sent in their reports, and the results are pretty much as expected. Most boys couldn't wait to get started straight away and used their first orgasm point up on the first day. The other 2 were then spaced throughout the rest of the week, it looks like you're all afraid of running out and having to go a while with no cummies left at all!
The psychological effect is also interesting, it seems that even though some boys only ever cum 3 times in a week anyway, they suddenly felt rationed because the were only allowed 3 this time... the male mind is definitely a confused place when it comes to wanking! *giggles*
I wonder what tactics you boys will use when there's only 1 or 2 orgasms allowed in a week? Or if you're allowed 6?
I'm sure we'll be finding out soon enough, of course it's all down to the luck of the die!
Thank you Miss Jay for this information. Very nice to see indeed. You are right, the mind is going crazy when it comes to wanking. Hopefully your hand is most of the time lucky and rolling high numbers.
thanks for the stats Miss i especially like the LMJ logos on the graphs looks v classy :D
and i am nearly always in a horny confused mess thanks to your work Miss so thanks for that too !
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