Hey boys,
Today (Sunday 26th February) I'm going to post instructions on this thread whenever I feel like it.
Some instructions will have time limits and others will not. The instructions won't be too difficult *giggles* and some of the task will be what I consider 'Classic Miss Jay'
Keep your eyes peeled for some fun!
Try to do all the tasks within 48 hours of this post (9am UK time). There is no sign up, however- a little hello to say you will be doing the tasks is required. You can join in anytime over the next 24 hours but you'll need to catch up if you start late!
I hope you boys can manage it for me..
Little Miss Jay x
1) Your first task starts from when YOU read this:
I want 2 edges an hour from now until YOU sleep. Each should be held for 10 seconds. If you miss an hour, catch up in the next.
Stroke those desperate hard cocks for me
2) Now start adding in 3 ball spanks an hour (after you have completed your hourly edges) make those balls ache a little more for me *giggles*
Don't worry, I might let you cum later if I'm feeling nice
3) Metronome time!
Open up this link: http://www.metronomeonline.com/
And time how long you can stroke at the following speeds before you hit the edge:
Once you reach the edge STOP! I don't want anyone cumming just yet
I bet some of you boys are already so worked up that this 'simple' task will be very frustrating! I suggest looking through my gallery as you are stroking... I'd love to be there giggling at your frustration, giving those sore balls a big squeeze every so often just for fun! I'm enjoying thinking of your heavy, tortured balls
You can do this whenever you wish and they don't need to be done in a row, I'm feeling kind today...
Come on boys, impress me!
4) I've just found some ways of stroking that I wrote on my blog a little while ago..
What I want you to do is try all of the following ways to play for 5 minutes each, if you edge before the 5 minutes is up, STOP have a REST and try again.. If you have to stop: Well done, you have earned yourself an extra 10 ball spanks each time! Have as many tries as you need.
You don't need to do them all in a row, but I think that would be quite fun! I know some of you strokers would never handle it!
So here you are little strokers *giggles* I don't think that you are desperate enough yet so this should sort you out
Slow and sensual
One of my favourite ways to tease, so I want you to do it exactly as I would. Imagine my fingers softly wrapping around your shaft, and slowly sliding up... and down... up... and down... each stroke up taking at least 2 seconds and each stroke down taking another 2... I might even twist my palm around the head when I reach the top... I'd keep up this agonisingly slow pace until you cock was desperate to cum, until I could feel every muscle tensing and all that hot cum bubbling its way up... and then I'd gently just let go, and let that edge subside...
And then I'd start stroking all over again... *giggles*.
The hump
This one always puts a smile on my face - you boys look so silly desperately humping away! It's up to you what you choose to hump - your bed, the floor, a pillow, whatever. No touching that cock! You may stimulate yourself by humping ONLY!
The sweetest spot
Another one of my favourites -
You may use just ONE finger for this - touch it onto that sensitive sweet spot right under the head, and rub rub rub! You can draw small circles, or just rub up and down... I just love how frustrating this is for my pet - it's a real teasingly slow build-up to the edge! Hee hee
The sloppy blowjob
Get yourself all lubed up and begin stroking that cock - I'm sure you'll have no trouble imagining me taking your hard cock deep into my warm, wet mouth... lips sliding up and down your shaft... my tongue swirling around your swollen head...
5) Next a test- See how many edges you can do in 30 minutes.
I want you to please me and do lots! But just for fun and well... Because I feel like it- Do 5 ball spanks after every 5 edges you manage to do *giggles*
How each edge for 10 seconds
All edges should be done in 30 minutes so set some time aside when you are free
Obviously- NO cumming!...yet...!
Post your number on this thread
6) After doing the 30 minute task I want you boys to have a little 'cool down and relax' time.
Put on your favourite porn/look through your favourite webtease for a maximum of 20 minutes, sit back and enjoy...
Oh, and don't touch that throbbing cock for that whole time you are watching/reading. I know it sounds really really easy doesn't it? I just need you all relaxed for the next task
I would like a few more boys to try these tasks today so I will not be posting the final task until I am happy...
Just to let you all know that part of the task is called 'The cum task' not to give anything away of course
Until then- Up your hourly ball spanks from 3 to 5 an hour
The cum task-
Hello boys!
I'm pleased to see you are all enjoying yourselves and getting rather worked up
I would like you to repeat the instructions for task 4 again, It was fun to hear about you all doing it hee hee! Here is a reminder:
4) I've just found some ways of stroking that I wrote on my blog a little while ago..
What I want you to do is try all of the following ways to play for 5 minutes each, if you edge before the 5 minutes is up, STOP have a REST and try again.. If you have to stop: Well done, you have earned yourself an extra 10 ball spanks each time! Have as many tries as you need.
You don't need to do them all in a row, but I think that would be quite fun! I know some of you strokers would never handle it!
So here you are little strokers *giggles* I don't think that you are desperate enough yet so this should sort you out
Slow and sensual
One of my favourite ways to tease, so I want you to do it exactly as I would. Imagine my fingers softly wrapping around your shaft, and slowly sliding up... and down... up... and down... each stroke up taking at least 2 seconds and each stroke down taking another 2... I might even twist my palm around the head when I reach the top... I'd keep up this agonisingly slow pace until you cock was desperate to cum, until I could feel every muscle tensing and all that hot cum bubbling its way up... and then I'd gently just let go, and let that edge subside...
And then I'd start stroking all over again... *giggles*.
The hump
This one always puts a smile on my face - you boys look so silly desperately humping away! It's up to you what you choose to hump - your bed, the floor, a pillow, whatever. No touching that cock! You may stimulate yourself by humping ONLY!
The sweetest spot
Another one of my favourites -
You may use just ONE finger for this - touch it onto that sensitive sweet spot right under the head, and rub rub rub! You can draw small circles, or just rub up and down... I just love how frustrating this is for my pet - it's a real teasingly slow build-up to the edge! Hee hee
The sloppy blowjob
Get yourself all lubed up and begin stroking that cock - I'm sure you'll have no trouble imagining me taking your hard cock deep into my warm, wet mouth... lips sliding up and down your shaft... my tongue swirling around your swollen head...
When this is completed I want you to choose the method you enjoyed doing the most and stroke that way for 10 whole minutes, have breaks if you need them but do 5 ball spanks each time you stop. When you have finished your 10 minutes continue to stroke and get right to the very edge, once there hold it for as long as you can.
When you really really can't take anymore, let yourself cum and thank me
I'm sure I will find a way of getting you boys frustrated and desperate again very soon!
If you would like to continue playing my games DO NOT play with that cock until I post more instructions or start a new game.
Little Miss Jay x
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