Thursday, 18 March 2010

10 day task- Day 1

Although day 1 is over now I've decided to post up all the days here so you can use them as teasey treats in the future ;)

Task one- To be done Wednesday 17th March

Sexy Squeezes

To start off the 10 days of teasing, I think we should really make those cocks want to be stroked... so all you're allowed to do until the next task is squeeze. Squeeze all over the shaft, but do NOT touch the head, and do NOT stroke. Your hand should never move up and down while you're holding that cock, just squeeze it and release... squeeze and release...
You can play as much as you like but only in this way. Oh, and make sure you sleep naked for me too, the feel of your sheets might do a little teasing of their own to that hard cock...

Little Miss Jay x

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