On The Edge
I had some very interesting pictures from yesterday's task, it looks like a lot of you had some fun with it! I certainly did, it definitely brings a smile to my lips seeing a poor pegged up ball sac... although I have only received 16 photos, which is a poor turn out considering how many boys had signed up. I'll be keeping that in mind for future games.
What you all didn't know was that yesterday's task had a direct bearing on what you were allowed to do today. The more pegs you had, the more playtime you earned. You can all squeeze those cocks as much as you like today, just like Day 1, but any playtime above and beyond that is determined by the amount of pegs you managed to fit on your balls. Check below to see what you earned yourself...
1-15 pegs: That's a little low isn't it? I'm not really impressed at all with anything that low, so I don't think you deserve and edges today. However, you can re-do the peg task from yesterday, and make sure you fit on more than 15 pegs this time!
16-25 pegs: Hmm... not bad, but I do think you could have managed a few more for me. You can have just TWO edges today, and I want you to hold each edge for as long as you possibly can. Try to impress me a little more than you did with the pegs!
26-35 pegs: I would of expected most of you to have managed this number of pegs. For meeting my expectations you can reward yourself with FIVE edges today, to be held for as long as possible. And that really means as long as you can manage, boys!
36-45 pegs: I'm impressed! You can reward yourself by stroking using lots of lube nice and slow, make it feel as if you're getting a nice, wet, sloppy blow job... You are allowed to edge as many times as you like by playing in this way but you may NOT cum. Of course, the more you play and the more you edge, the more I'll be impressed
46-60 pegs: Well done boys, you're above average! Since you all made such an effort to impress me, I'll be generous with my reward. You can play as much as you like, however you like during the day, but no cumming of course. However, for your last playtime before bed, I'm going to allow you an orgasm, of sorts... I want you to stroke yourself all the way to the edge, and hold it for as long as you can, I'm expecting at least a minute from you! When you really can't hold back any more, give yourself one last stroke over the edge, and LET GO. Ruin that orgasm for me! Just let all that hot, sticky cum dribble out... and if you're really a good little pet I know you'll want to lick up that mess afterwards, won't you?
61-100 pegs: Only a couple of you managed to reach this category, well done! Since you're so good with pegs, I want you to write 'Pegged for Miss Jay' on a piece of paper, re-do the peg task, and send me a photo of your balls with the paper in view as well. After you've done that, you can play with yourself however you like and as much as you like for the rest of the day. You've also earned yourself a ruined orgasm, which you can choose to use today or to save for anytime over the next 5 days.
Little Miss Jay x
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