Monday, 22 March 2010

10 day task- Day 4

Task Four- To be done Saturday 20th March

Peg day!

Well I bet you're all dying to stroke again now aren't you? Are you ready? Do you want some strokies...? *giggles*
Not yet! Hee hee!
Today is peg day, and you all get to try one of my favourite tasks! I want you to try and fit as many pegs as you can on your balls alone, and keep them on for a whole 5 minutes. Now in the interests of fairness, I don't want any cheating by putting pegs on your cock, I only want them on your balls, ok boys?
I need to see some evidence that you've all completed this task, so I want you to take a photo and email me it to with the subject 'Your Pegged Property', and don't forget to write how many you managed to fit on.
Some of the photos I've had before have been so entertaining, some of you really do have teeny tiny balls! *giggles*

Little Miss Jay x

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